Privacy Policy

Last Updated Date: March 14, 2024


We take the security of your personal information and privacy very seriously. Please read this Privacy Policy carefully (especially the bolded and underlined text) and confirm our principles for handling your personal information. In the process of using our services, if you have questions or problems, you can contact our data protection officer to request the deletion of your data through the contact information provided by us. By choosing to use our products and related services, you consent to the collection, storage, use, sharing, disclosure and protection of your information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to any of the terms of this Privacy Policy, you should immediately discontinue access and use.


This policy will help you understand the following:

I. Our Collection and Use of Your Personal Information

In the course of your use of our products and/or services, personal information is collected and used for the following purposes, as described in this Privacy Policy:

(i) Registration, Login, and Related Services:

When you use our products and/or services, you may choose to have an account to log in or access the product directly. You can also use a third-party account (e.g., Facebook, QQ, WeChat, online, Apple, etc.) to log in and use our products. At that time, you will authorize us to obtain your public information registered on the third-party platform (avatar, nickname, account identification ID, and other information you authorize) for use in conjunction with the product account, so that you can directly log in and use the products and related services.

(ii) Ensure the Normal Operation of the Basic Functions of the Products:

In order to ensure your normal use of our products and services, maintain the normal operation of the basic functions of the products, and enhance your experience, we may collect information about your device, including the name of the device, the device model and advertising identifiers (including IDFA, IDFV), the operating system and its version, the type of the application, and information about the operations and behaviors performed by the user on the device, such as language settings, resolution, and mobile terminal random storage memory.

(iii) Information that May Be Required When Using Specific Functions:

1. Feedback Functions:

When you request information about our services, request technical support, or give us feedback, we may need you to provide some of your personal information, such as your login account, email address, telephone number, device ID, system language, APP version, and other relevant information voluntarily provided to us.

2. Consumption/Purchase Features:

We may sell virtual items or merchandise (for the Product only) through our Services, including props, in-product de-advertising, auto-renewal subscriptions, etc. (as provided within the Product). When you make a purchase through the Services, we process your payment through a third-party application. These payment services are provided by Apple, and the App Store does not share the information they collect from you with us. We only obtain verification of your completed payment from Apples payment service provider to provide you with the appropriate payment products and services. If you would like to know the specific rules regarding the collection of personal information by Apples service providers, please refer to the Apple Privacy Policy of your choice.

3. Other

When using our sports and health products, we may collect certain personal information such as your gender, birthday, age, height, weight, and location to accurately calculate data related to your usage of our products. This information allows us to better monitor your sports and health activities and ensure that our products are functioning properly.

4. System Privileges:

In order to enhance the experience and convenience of using the products and/or services, the following personal information may be collected by invoking the permission of the device:

1. native or H5 activities, the channels and regions have differences, to achieve accurate and diversified activities, you need to authorize the call of the location permissions in the device you are using.

2. When you upload or save pictures using related functions, we need to apply for your permission to read and write albums in order to ensure the normal use of the function.

3. when you need to take pictures using the related function, we will apply for your camera permission to ensure the normal use of the function.

4. when you are willing to receive product related news, including updates, maintenance, changes and other notifications related to product services, we will apply for your application notification permission.

5. In order to optimize and get a better service experience, we may apply for application tracking permission (please upgrade your system version to the latest version).

6. In the process of using our services, in order not to cause your mobile traffic to increase, we need to check your network connection status in order to provide you with traffic alerts.

7. If the product you are using is a sports and health product, we may apply for sports and health permissions to access the accelerometer of the device and obtain sensor data such as heartbeat data, physical activity, step count, number of floors climbed, etc., in order to better realize the function of the product.

Tips About Specific Feature Permissions:

If you need to turn off feature permissions that are enabled for the use of specific features listed above, most mobile devices will support this need. Please refer to or contact your mobile devices service provider or manufacturer for details, or you can contact us for assistance.

In particular, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that separate device information, app notification permissions, app tracking permissions, sports and health permissions, etc., are information that cannot identify a specific natural person. If we use such non-personal information in combination with other information for the purpose of identifying a specific natural person or use the remaining personal information in combination, such non-personal information will be treated as personal information during the period of combination, and we will anonymize and de-identify such personal information unless we have obtained your authorization or are otherwise required by laws and regulations.

II. Our Reasonable Basis for Using Your Personal Information:

We will use the information we collect for the purposes covered by this Privacy Policy. If we use your personal information beyond the scope described in this Privacy Policy, we will revise the content of this Privacy Policy and obtain your express consent again before collecting your personal information.

We will strictly comply with laws and regulations and our agreement with you to use the collected information in accordance with this Privacy Policy and the User Agreement. We will analyze the operation of the Product based on the frequency and circumstances of your use of the Product, fault information, performance information, etc., to ensure the safety of the Service and to optimize our Product and improve the quality of our Service. We will not combine the information stored in the analysis software with the personally identifiable information you provide.

III. Cookies and Similar Technologies:

Through the use of cookies and similar technologies, we can track your progress in real-time and understand your relevant information, to provide you with a smooth, high-quality, and good user experience. We will not use these technologies for any purpose other than those described in this policy. Please understand that certain services can only be realized through the use of the above-mentioned technologies. If your device or related program allows it, you can turn off or remove the above technology by changing the settings or by visiting the providers webpage. However, this action may affect your use of the products and/or services.

IV. Third-Party Services:

We may work with third-party service providers to access third-party services in our Products and Services. To this end, we have developed a Third-Party SDK Listto provide you with a clear and concise description of our access to third-party services. Third-party service providers accessed through our products or services may have their own privacy policies, which are not governed by this Policy. Third-party service providers may collect personal information necessary to provide services to you in accordance with their own privacy policies.


Third-Party SDK List:

Third-Party SDK


Privacy Policy Link


App Data Analytics


Performance Monitoring


App Data Analytics


In-APP Ad Placement


In-APP Ad Placement


In-APP Ad Placement


In-APP Ad Placement


In-APP Ad Placement


In-APP Ad Placement


In-APP Ad Placement


In-APP Ad Placement


In-APP Ad Placement


In-APP Ad Placement


In-APP Ad Placement


In-APP Ad Placement


In-APP Ad Placement


In-APP Ad Placement


In-APP Ad Placement


In-APP Ad Placement


In-APP Ad Placement


In-APP Ad Placement


In-APP Ad Placement


Third Party Login


Third Party Login


Third Party Login


Third Party Login


Push Notification


V. Sharing, Transfer, and Public Disclosure of Your Personal Information:

We promise that we will not share, sell, or otherwise disclose your personal information that you provide to us or that we collect to third-party service providers, nor will we collect your personal information on behalf of third-party service providers for them. At the same time, we will strictly comply with relevant laws and regulations and keep your personal information confidential.


VI. Storage and Protection of Information:

(i.) How We Will Retain Your Information:

We will retain your information for as long as necessary to fulfill the purpose for which it was collected, including providing services to you or complying with any relevant requirements of the law, unless we are required by law to delete it or we accept your request to delete the information.

(1) To ensure that your personal information is protected in accordance with the law, the information we collect from you will be stored in accordance with relevant laws and regulations regarding the protection of private information in the country concerned. To the extent not prohibited by local laws and regulations, we may also store the personal information we collect in countries or regions other than those in which we operate.

(2) If we terminate our services or operations, we and the third-party platforms we work with will promptly stop the activities of continuing to collect your personal information and will comply with the requirements of relevant laws and regulations to delete or anonymize your personal information after the termination of the services or operations unless otherwise provided by laws, regulations, or supervisory authorities.

(ii) How We Protect Your Information Security:

We have always attached great importance to the protection of the security of your personal information, strictly comply with relevant laws and regulations, and take industry-recognized reasonable and feasible measures to protect your personal information, in order to minimize the risk of leakage, destruction, misuse, unauthorized access, unauthorized disclosure, and alteration of your information. For example, in some of our services, we use encryption technology to protect certain sensitive information you provide to us. Please note that despite our efforts to protect your information, the internet is inherently an insecure environment, and we cannot guarantee that your information will be absolutely secure.


VII. Your Rights:

You have a number of rights with respect to your information in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. To contact us about any of these rights, please contact us using the contact details provided, and we will process your request in a timely manner. If we process your information, you have the right to:

- Access, inquire about, or request deletion of your information;

- Correct or update your information;

- Account Cancellation

(1) You have the right to know what personal information we hold about you, and how and why we process your personal information. We reserve the right to request reasonable evidence to verify your identity before we provide you with any information. Please note that we may not be able to provide you with all the information you request, for example, if the information contains personal information about another person. If we are unable to provide you with the information you have requested, we will endeavor to tell you why.

(2) In some cases, when you want to access your information in our products or request deletion of information, please be aware that if you choose to delete such information, certain features that require such information may no longer be available.

(3) When you wish to cancel your account, you may contact us directly at the contact information indicated in the Privacy Policy. Please note that we will verify your identity, account security status, and the conditions of cancellation. Please read the instructions in the product cancellation process. After completing the cancellation of the account, in addition to laws and regulations or otherwise provided in this Agreement, your personal information under the account will be deleted or anonymized. Pay special attention to the account, once the cancellation is completed, it will not be able to be restored, so please proceed with caution.


VIII. Privacy Protection for Minors:

If you are a minor under the age of 16, you should jointly read and agree to this Privacy Policy under the supervision and guidance of your parents or other guardians before using our products and related services.

We do not knowingly collect or solicit personal information from anyone under the age of 16, nor do we knowingly allow such persons to use our services. If you are under 16 years of age, please do not send us any information about yourself, including your name, address, telephone number, or e-mail address. Anyone under 16 years of age is prohibited from providing any personal information. If we learn that we have collected personal information from a child under the age of 16, we will delete that information as soon as possible. If you believe that we may have any information from or about a child under the age of 16, please contact us.

IX. Updates to the Privacy Policy:

In order to bring you a better experience with our products and services, we continually strive to optimize our products, services, and technology. As new services and business processes change, we may update our Privacy Policy to inform you of the specifics of the update. We will not change your rights under the Privacy Policy without your express consent.

Please understand and know that we will notify you by modifying the update date on the home page of this policy, and please check the Privacy Policy regularly to understand the specifics of the update.

X. Contact Us:

If you have questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy or any other issue related to your personal information when using our services, please feel free to contact us at